19 February 2012

What a weekend

I had a pretty tough week last week; it was self-inflicted from my previous stupidly over-the-top weekend so don't feel any pity for me. In order to complete my recovery, this weekend had to be quiet and calm and self-indulgent.

It really bloody was. Best weekend of my life. That was probably an over-statement - I'm still basking in the well-being and relaxation of it all.

Bubble bath, with a glass of wine, a mug of chocolatey horlicks (after the wine, not at the same time) and singing along to Disney's Greatest Hits on Friday night. Followed by sofa-lounging, TV-watching and food gorging daytime on Saturday. More eating and TV watching on Saturday night with Helmand. Then the piste-de-resistance of the weekend: Sunday brunch with Polly and Katie and a casual stroll around Regents Park.

Two days of complete recuperating bliss.


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